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So, the countdown is finally on... in just 12 days I'll be driving down to Wales and starting my new life as a Cardiff University student! This moment has certainly been a long time coming but, now that it's just around the corner, I'm experiencing a lot of mixed emotions...

Currently, I’m feeling more excited about this new step than anything. I can’t believe I’m actually moving away from the town I’ve known my whole life and starting a new life elsewhere! When I first visited Cardiff (on a university open day) I instantly fell in love with the city. Filled with the cutest arcades, beautiful parks and hundreds of shops, there‘s something different to do on every corner! Knowing that I have 3 years to explore this beautiful city and all of its hidden gems is so exciting. I also can’t wait to start my course. I’m going to be studying English Literature, Media & Journalism: a subject that I have always loved combined with a new area that I am eager to explore. Whilst most classes will be online, I’m still excited to have something to work towards again after having a whole year out of education. On top of everything though, I’m most excited for the ‘uni experience’ - new friends, freshers events, a new lease of independence... there’s just so much to look forward to!

Despite all of this, part of me does feel nervous about starting university. Moving away from home is stressful enough at the best of times, so imagine doing it all during a pandemic! Lectures are online, flat parties are banned and round 2 of lockdown is potentially just around the corner... I can’t help but wonder if I’ll enjoy this socially distanced uni experience. On top of this, moving away from everything that I know and having to fend for myself is really nerve-wracking. However, it is reassuring to know that everyone is in the same boat and that I won’t be stepping into the unknown alone.

It‘s safe to say that I’m feeling a whole mix of emotions about moving to university, but I know that these feelings are all natural and that I’m not in this alone. I’m sure that it will be challenging at times, but I can’t wait to move to a new place, meet new people & live through all of the highs and lows of university life!


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1 comentario

10 sept 2020

Good luck Maddie, this will definitely be a more challenging experience than it would be during non pandemic times but make the most of it!! 😁😘

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